So... lately I've been preparing to spend my entire summer bird banding in Texas. And, I leave tomorrow! I'm interning with the Monitoring Avian Productivity & Survivorship program (MAPS) through the Institute of Bird Populations: http://www.birdpop.org/
I am so excited! I will be there for about four months, starting with a two week intensive training program where we learn all there is to know about Texan birds. Then we split up into groups to band at one of four locations in Texas or Missouri. I've been banding for awhile but I've never done anything quite like this. It should definitely be an adventure. Also-- I've never been to Texas before so I can't wait to explore a new place and see some cool new birds! My internship doesn't start until April 23rd, but I will try to report back soon as soon as possible, hopefully with some great photos of birds!
I am so excited! I will be there for about four months, starting with a two week intensive training program where we learn all there is to know about Texan birds. Then we split up into groups to band at one of four locations in Texas or Missouri. I've been banding for awhile but I've never done anything quite like this. It should definitely be an adventure. Also-- I've never been to Texas before so I can't wait to explore a new place and see some cool new birds! My internship doesn't start until April 23rd, but I will try to report back soon as soon as possible, hopefully with some great photos of birds!
Birdy art featured above: Turkey Vulture

Wood Thrush
Monday morning @ 5:40am I heard a bunch of birds greeting the new day. It was so awesome and surely a sign of spring! I haven't heard my fav, the wood thrush yet, but I'll let you know when I do! Cool wood thrush drawing. Thanks! :)
They say some interesting cats live down there, err TopCats that is/are.
Lucky, with any luck I'll be down there visiting 2nd this summer. Your work is impressive! Although I'm not sure I'd fly with the whole massive stinging attacks in the rainforest.
Summer in Texas, eh? Remember the words of General Philip Henry Sheridan in 1866: "If I owned Hell and Texas, I would rent out Texas and live in Hell." LOL! --UncaMikey
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